Self-Realization Fellowship

Louisiana Northshore Meditation Circle

Regarding the importance of meditating with others, Self-Realization Fellowship teaches: “Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well as the veteran meditators.  Meditating together increases the degree of Self-realization of each member of the group because of the invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism.”

“Why shouldn’t you strengthen your own vibrations through fellowship with people seeking Self-realization, and by group meditation with them?  This practice will fortify your own spiritual convictions;  you will find that many seemingly insuperable barriers in your life will crumble and dissolve in the waters of meditation.  Your devotion and love for God will commingle with the devotion and love of others.  Divine bliss will radiate from you, helping all persons you meet.”

“If your spiritual progress is at a standstill, or is ebbing, the practice of meditation on God or on any of the Great Ones, in the company of other devotees, will uplift you from your precarious state.  The proximity of others’ spiritual vibrations has the power of raising your own. ”

More information about Paramahansa Yogananda and Self-Realization Fellowship can be obtained by directly contacting the Self-Realization Fellowship headquarters at:

The Father of Yoga in the West  Study the life of one of the most beloved spiritual teachers of modern times.